18 May 2020

I want a break. Dare I say need a break?

In stark contrast to the buzzing high of last Friday, now I feel depleted, de-buzzed.

Not surprising considering I really haven’t had much of a weekend. I spent it working on subtitles and teaching, and really only got to stop working around 3:30pm on Sunday, when I went out for a walk and listened to a podcast.

A wonderful podcast by the way, as is usually the case with this series. The topic of authenticity is one I usually find interesting. A colleague (soon-to-be former) was listening to it the other day and thought I might be interested, so she flagged it to me.

She was right: I was interested and promptly listened to it on my walk yesterday. Note to self: thank her for the recommendation.

Anyhow, with the lack of mental rest over the weekend, I’m not feeling much motivated to start the work week (it’s Monday morning, 6:44am as I write). The good news is I did get pretty decent sleep the past two nights – the longest sleeps I’ve had in weeks.

With 2 and a half hours left to go before my work week starts at 9am, I think I’m going to switch off for a bit. Maybe listen to a podcast, or read. Yes, most likely I’ll read.

I mistakenly bought the book “The Shape of Water” some months ago thinking the movie was based on said book. Only to realise last week (maybe 2 weeks ago by now) that it’s the other way around.

I normally don’t read books that are based on movies, but since I already bought it I thought I’d give it a chance. And I’ve been pleasantly surprised. It’s fast-paced and engaging – and dare I say alluring.

Yes, 2 hours with The Shape of Water will probably give me the break I need, and get me ready for the new week.

Hope you all had good, restful weekends.



27 November 2019

This is my fourth post of November, which feels strange – in a good way.

Looking back at my calendar, I see that I’ve written almost monthly this year, with a recent hiatus in September-October. Maybe I’m making up for it… who knows?

What I know is that this month I’ve felt more often the urge to write, and I say urge, not merely desire. When I get this urge, I just have to get out my laptop and start typing.

It feels nice to have this urge. I think it might be related to having more head space after those few stressful weeks. When I have some head space, first I read. Then when I have even more head space, I write.

Talking about reading, I’m on Adultery by Paolo Coelho now, and I must say I’m not impressed. The novelty of reading an author I’m not familiar with wore off pretty quickly, and apart from a few snickers, the novel isn’t doing much for me.

I think I’m spoilt by authors like Kazuo Ishiguro, Haruki Murakami, and Milan Kundera. I find their writing more subtle and immersive.

Ishiguro in particular is my number one author. I love love love his books. He is so consistent in style and depth, yet each of his books features a story so different and unique. The Unconsoled in particular is one of the weirdest books I’ve ever read – in a good way.

I recently went on a little binge on Kindle, and waiting for me there now is David Lagercrantz’s latest instalment in the Lisbeth Salander series, A Clockwork Orange, and (this one I’m looking forward to the most and plan to read next) David Niven’s The Moon’s a Balloon, the first of his memoirs which talks about Hollywood in its heyday (30s and 40s), which my partner recommended after I saw Judy, the movie starring Renée Zellweger and became interested in the golden age of Hollywood.

I’m still only a little over halfway through Adultery. I’m quite eager to finish it, so I’ll be giving it plenty of time and attention in the next few days. That’s the thing with me: books I don’t enjoy I want to finish quickly, but books I love I want to last. I felt pretty empty when I finished Murakami’s Norwegian Wood a few weeks back.

How did today’s post turn into a post about books? Ah well, I guess that happens when you’re free flowing.

It’s 8:23am and I should be getting ready for work. I’ve been waking up later than usual this week and not getting into work until 9:30 – upside: the BTS sky train is a little less crowded (though not always); downside: I get less done in the morning, which is my most productive hours (or so I’d like to think).

But today should be fine. I have very few meetings today, fewer than usual, with large blocks of time to do project work. Things are moving along nicely at work and I should be able to tick off all but one tasks by December 20, before I fly off to Hanoi for a long Christmas holiday with my better half.

Okay, gotta get going. It’s nice to write in the morning! Maybe I should do this more often (now that I’ve “said” this, it probably won’t happen…)

We shall see.

Love as always,


23 October 2015

We went shopping today! *fireworks*

Before I continue, let’s get this out of the way: no, I haven’t re-started my novel. Soon. Really. Pinky promise. (Confused readers go here.)

Now let’s get back to today’s topic: shopping.

I rarely go shopping. Only on national holidays with my parents (read: mom). Unlike most (?) girls, I never feel the urge to go shopping. I never look into my wardrobe and think, “Ah, I don’t have this in that colour; I need more of this; That’s getting old; so on and so forth”. I’m as far from a fashionista as can be and I usually make do with whatever I find in my closet (synonym for ‘wardrobe’. I don’t like repeating words; a habit from my IELTS days perhaps).

But I had fun today. In fact, I always have fun going shopping with my mom. It’s a fun activity to do together. (That’s three ‘fun’s in a row – for shame.) In fact, I generally enjoy hanging out with her: my mom can be really cute, in a very good way. I have gone shopping alone in the past, when I was living abroad. But I didn’t really enjoy it and I only went when I really had nothing in the closet. (Two ‘really’s – what’s up with me today!) I’d buy a million things at once and that would last me years. One of the items I wore today actually came from a shopping trip four or five years ago. It’s funny; I always wear the same clothes but they never wear out. Not that I’m complaining; that’s more money I can spend on books.

Today’s trip to the department store was unexpectedly productive. I hadn’t planned on buying anything; I had recently gained weight (hospital food was amazeballs) and in an effort to commit to losing it have pledged not to buy new clothes that accommodate my protruding belly. But I found this really cute longish white shirt that conveniently makes me look not fat. And then there were two other shirts which were okay but one can never have too many shirts. So yes, three shirts in total.

Then my mom reminded me that I needed a black eyeliner (which I do) and we went over to the MAC counter where we forked over THB 765 for this. For some reason, way back when I first encountered the concept of face paint, I started using MAC eyeliners. And I’ve stuck with the brand since. Not that it’s especially good (it always smudges). It’s just that I’ve formed a habit and I do not have neither the desire nor the patience to research on alternative eyeliners. I just can’t be bothered. (That’s behavioural economics for you.)

So yes, we bought the eyeliner. Then we went over to Daiso. In case you’re not familiar with the store, it’s a chain from Japan where you can buy most things for THB 60. (Though not in Japan obviously. They don’t accept the Thai baht over there, though who knows what will happen with the constant influx of Thai tourists; you cannot go anywhere without bumping into Thai people, and stores usually have signs written in Thai.) Tangent over, guess what was the first thing we saw when we went inside the store?

Yes, an eyeliner. A whole rack of them. THB 60 apiece. That’s THB 705 cheaper than the one I had bought not even a half hour before. I could trade the MAC eyeliner for a dozen of these Daiso ones. So I bought one. And if it turns out to be good (made in Korea; I have high hopes), today will be the last MAC sees of me. Gosh, I am getting mildly distressed thinking of all that money I’ve potentially wasted.

It’s crazy how much three letters cost: M-A-C. And it’s not even one of the more expensive cosmetics brands. Or maybe it is? I’m really not learnt in the economics of cosmetics goods. Maybe you could enlighten me as to the relative ranking of MAC compared to other cosmetics brands. I would appreciate it. *smiley face*

Anyways, let’s talk of better and brighter things: books! I bought books! So many books! I was extremely pleased to find that Sophie Kinsella’s latest Shopaholic book (THB 595) is out. This is the second Shopaholic book (after Shopaholic to the Stars) she’s released this year (money, money, money). And for an avid reader of the series such as myself, this is excellent news. So I bought that. Along with Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (it’s tiny!) and a bunch of other classics. I’m especially looking forward to reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night (THB 125). I read The Great Gatsby some years ago and it was a powerful read (yes, powerful; I cannot think of a better way to express the book’s impact on me).

Note how classics are so much cheaper than modern reads. Interestingly, books become cheaper, rather than more expensive, the older they get. Hail to the printing press! May no books ever go out of print. (I’ve had to track down out-of-print books before. It’s more expensive of course but if you don’t mind the condition of the book you could usually find willing sellers of second-hand copies easily enough.)

What else did we do? Ah yes. We ate. A lot. So much food. So much good food. Hmmm. No wonder the weight-losing has been so many months in the making. I do exercise a lot. Just not enough to outweigh the food intake. (Eat less. That’s one more thing to add to my to-do list after ‘write novel’.) It doesn’t help that I bought snacks to stock up at home. Oops. My excuse is that we rarely go out and that I deserve a treat from time to time. (I convince no one.)

This has turned out to be a lengthier post than expected. Well, it’s been an eventful day. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this. I’ve certainly enjoyed writing it.

Now it’s time for me to get on with my German. (Yes, I’m still doing that every day. A hooray for me!) Today’s word to master is der Magen (stomach). It looks easy but for some reason it’s resolutely refusing to enter my memory. Urgh. I hate sticky words. Then I also have to memorise which prepositions are followed by the Accusative case and which by the Dative case. I have a feeling this will be one of the more difficult tasks yet. Good. I like difficult. The more difficult, the more fun (it’s got to do with a sense of accomplishment you see).

I’ll stop blabbering now.








11 October 2014

I have not been this busy since… since this time last year actually. I was working then. Part-time. Now that I think about it, I’m not too sure why I was so busy. Maybe it was due to lousy time management on my part. Maybe I was trying to do too many things.

It could have been anything. One year goes by in a flash, but that doesn’t mean I remember everything that happened last October. The mind works in mysterious ways.

*pause for all of us to reflect on the wonders of the mind*

Are those synapses firing yet? If not, give it a bit more time.

If yes, let’s continue.

do know why I’m busy this time around. First reason: I am starting my first real job on Wednesday (15th October) – *round of applause* – and I have two books to finish between now and then. I’ve made it through almost half of one book – *another round of applause* – and I really should be able to get them both read by the end of Tuesday.

Second reason: have I told you I signed up for an online Digital Marketing course? Probably not. It’s called ‘Squared Online’. Here it is. Since my digital experience so far is limited to two blogs and a baby, I thought I would educate myself. The shiny name of Google associated with the course was also extremely persuasive – I was still on the job hunt back then; I mean, it couldn’t possibly hurt! Right?

And I do not regret the decision. Two weeks in, I am finding the course stimulating and enjoyable. I feel like I am having my eyes opened to a brave new world (loved that book). But with the course comes homework. That I decided to start a blog (my third and latest) to accompany my 7-month journey as a Square (pardon the course lingo) didn’t help.

So yes, the past three days have been almost entirely spent on the course and prepping for my new job. The good news: I have now finished the project for the first module of the course, which is the most time-consuming activity I’ll have to get done in the next 3 weeks. It’s a two-minute video to introduce myself to my fellow Squares (course lingo again), which took me… four hours in total to make.

Since I’ve spent so much time on it, I might as well get as many people to watch it as possible. So here it is:

I’ve just realised I haven’t actually told you guys what my job will be.


From Wednesday, I will be an Internet Marketing Analyst at a tech start-up based in South East Asia. Pretty cool, eh? I think so too.

Incidentally, this is not the job I went to the interview for (and got) last Friday. It goes to show: you never know what’s going to happen. You just don’t.

Wish me luck!

I’ll be back to let you know how things go.



p.s. I just realised I actually talk about the job in the video. Oops. Well, too much of a good news can’t hurt, right? 😀